Innovation is a common thread running through JUNG's 100-year history. The company revolutionised the world of switches and a new norm was born from innovation. Many of JUNG's products are popular classics, which have set standards. The path to business success was marked from the very beginning by notable developments. JUNG allowed itself to be guided by the needs of the market and specialised in the production of switches and socket outlets. Quality played a key role from the start. Over time, design also became increasingly relevant. In this way, JUNG gradually set new standards in modern switch design over and over again. Today, the company is a premium provider of innovative solutions for classic electronic installation through to intelligent building technology. Solutions from JUNG skilfully bridge the gap between future-proof building technology and aesthetic 'Made in Germany' design. The formula for success that has been used for more than one hundred years is still working. JUNG goes hand in hand with the needs of the customer and the market. To achieve this, the company undertakes continuous market research and a thorough analysis of requirements. With one clear goal: to achieve the best possible user benefits and to open up innovative areas of application.
To be continued…
… because the success story is ongoing. JUNG is still one of Germany's leading companies in its sector, as indicated by many national and international awards and its success in the market. JUNG has proved that it can assert itself against the competition and has the capacity to change along with the times.
JUNG is an established feature of the architectural landscape
On the international stage too. JUNG is the initiator of the series of events entitled 'JUNG architecture debates'. The events provide a platform for architects to maintain and expand networks, and to hold discussions between experts. Top-class speakers from the world of architecture have been inspiring participants for 12 years now. The speakers also include selected emerging talents, who present their approaches to the professionals.
An extraordinary corporate culture.
At JUNG, employees think and act like entrepreneurs. This is because colleagues are partners at the workplace. They work in teams to implement projects and drive forward developments. For this reason, a high value is placed on staff training and development. Responsibility for its workers is an inviolable principle for JUNG, as harmonious interaction is seen as a basis for good performances at work.
The pull switch with 1/8 rotation makes history.
In 1912, electrician Albrecht Jung founded his company in Schalksmühle. Production was focused on his patented invention: the pull switch with 1/8 rotation. JUNG has remained true to this principle of a short actuating path to the present day, and it forms the basis of all the company's switch designs. The family-run firm is now in its third generation, with Harald Jung currently at the helm.
Family business with responsibility and a heart.
Through its close ties with its home town, JUNG has supported the region's economic growth and labour market for more than 100 years. And Harald Jung, grandson of the company's founder and its current managing director, has been honoured for his commitment by the Central Association of the German Electrical and IT Trades (ZVEH). The Association presented him with an award as a 'Family business entrepreneur with responsibility and a heart for employees and his region'.
Germany as a location has a long tradition.
All of JUNG's product lines are made in Germany, and this is the basis for the company's high standard of quality and flexibility.
JUNG has been at home in Schalksmühle since it was first founded there. The company's headquarters have been systematically expanded into an innovation centre for modern electrical installation.
In 1941, a subsidiary plant was established in Lünen. It has long since developed into a fully-fledged production facility and serves as a gateway to the world's markets. This is where the company's logistics centre is located, from which products are dispatched to customers and representatives in Germany and beyond.
JUNG is popular among the specialist trades.
Germany's specialist tradesmen and retailers have chosen JUNG for the 'Trade Award of the Year 2016'. This proves that the close collaboration between the company and specialist trade is bearing fruit. JUNG was honoured as a brand which cooperates particularly closely with tradesmen and retailers on its concepts.
This is going to remain the case in the future, too. Because JUNG is sticking to the three-tier distribution model.
Volmestraße 1
58579 Schalksmühle
Tel +49 23 55/80 60
Fax +49 23 55/80 61 89
kundencenter@ jung.de
If you would like to find out more about JUNG, please visit www.jung.de